Carol and Andrew Get Married


November 2014


Carol and Andrew  Carol and Andrew  Carol and Andrew


Carol & Andrew got married in November!

Things have gone pretty well for them on Guam, and one morning Andrew got up before Carol, and made her an engagement ring out of paracord, woke her up, saying “get up, get up, we’ve gotta go, come on!” So she got ready and they headed out to the truck. Still a little groggy, she asked “where are we going? To get donuts?” He replied “no, but not a bad idea”. Then he drove up to a beautiful, scenic overlook, and proposed. Of course she said yes, then they drove back home – stopping to pick up donuts.

The next logical step was to go down to the Justice of the Peace there on Guam – but anyone can do that. Carol & Andrew aren’t just anyone. They had a vacation planned to New Zealand and Australia (see link to photo gallery below the wedding photos), so Carol went online, did all the research, and found a Celebrant to perform a Celtic Handfasting Ceremony in Australia. She got all the legal paperwork they needed to complete ahead of time. She even e-mailed some distant cousins of Anne’s in the Sydney area (Patricia and Russell Smith) and asked them if they’d be willing to be their witnesses. They replied they’d be honored to, and told her they could stay with them while they were in Sydney. Then Patricia asked Carol if she could call Anne to do some planning and scheming. Carol told her to wait – because she & Andrew hadn’t told us or Andrew’s mom yet! Then they got us on Skype and gave us the news.

The ceremony was in a park at Bangalley Headland in Avalon, which is just north of Sydney, in a beautiful setting overlooking the Pacific with the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. It was a short, simple, beautiful ceremony. They stayed with the Smiths overnight, then the next day were off to explore Australia, partly by train and partly by RV.

What an adventure! But I guess that's what you'd expect from a girl who spent a year in high school in Thailand. Are Anne and I happy and proud? Duh, yeah!!!!! And we're very pleased to welcome Andrew into the family as another son. I think he's a good fit -- which may not be a compliment to him.


Other Photos From the Wedding


Carols Engagement Ring

Carol's Handmade Engagement Ring

Carol and Andrew  Carol and Andrew

Carol and Andrew  Carol and Andrew


Click here to view a selection of photos from Carol and Andrew's Australia/New Zealand trip